Uster FiberQ’s automated raw material management generated more than 2,000 laydowns in a year for Sagar, one of India’s leading spinners. The results delivered consistent yarn quality and optimized process efficiency – giving a payback period of three months.
Sagar uses the new annual subscription arrangement, which includes the software solution and useful advising services from Uster specialist technicians, because he is sure of the advantages of the whole FiberQ package. Sagar’s confidence in FiberQ is demonstrated by the renewal of the subscription.
“We have seen better fiber utilization, significantly improved yarn quality consistency, and elimination of seldom-occurring faults like white specks and barré,” said A.K. Saini, Chief General Manager Operations at Sagar Manufacturers Pvt. Ltd., following a year of utilizing FiberQ. The overall exceptional outcomes persuaded our management of FiberQ’s worth, and we approved the extension of both the 360Q platform and FiberQ’s subscription services.
High and higher…
Sagar demands continuously high standards for yarn performance and quality, therefore expectations were high. By streamlining its production processes and attaining the highest possible fiber yield, the company aimed to go even farther. Saini claims that Ultra FiberQ is revolutionary in terms of providing consistent high quality at a low cost of manufacture.
As a manufacturer and supplier of premium cotton yarns and knitted greige fabric, Sagar Manufacturers Pvt. is well-known for excellence in both its native India and the international textile market. “Our strategic focus is on integrating eco-friendly practices and advanced technology, for innovative solutions that drive excellence in manufacturing performance and ensure customer satisfaction,” states Saini.
The business was already pleased with its superior raw material management procedures in its spinning operation prior to FiberQ. The choice to use the Uster FiberQ raw material management technology was motivated by a desire to further increase production efficiency and maintain consistent quality.
Sagar has always welcomed new technology, particularly those that emphasize automation and innovation, so it was not surprising that it was among the first to employ the FiberQ raw material management system. FiberQ automates numerous operations that were previously completed by hand by combining cutting-edge technology with textile experience. Thus, for forward-thinking spinners like Sagar, it became a really intriguing value proposition.
In addition to reducing human labor, the automated, intelligent, dependable, and user-friendly technology produced consistent outcomes. “It’s safe to state that FiberQ has fulfilled every need! Important quality attributes including yarn defects, Classimat faults, and yarn alarms have decreased, and we have observed an improvement in quality consistency,” Saini says. “At the same time, we have received no complaints from customers regarding our quality.” Future value will be further enhanced by Uster’s end-to-end solution, which also provides access to ongoing enhancements like fiber-to-yarn correlation and supplier statistics.
Impact on production – and more
According to Sagar data, yarn realization has grown by an average of 0.3% to 0.5%. Additionally, the need for “cut and creel” has been abolished, which has a significant positive impact on efficiency and production modifications. FiberQ produced over 2,000 laydowns for every production unit during the year in a very effective, quick, and simple manner. The readily available laydown history and the ability to see the effects of various cotton lots in use were additional benefits.
Additionally, customer feedback has been positive. It was said that Sagar’s increased consistency in quality led to a better-looking cloth. Additionally, Sagar can now manufacture larger, consistent batches of knitted and dyed yarn since they can offer clients larger yarn lot sizes with the same quality and color qualities.
Advisory service benefits
FiberQ is more than just a piece of software. It includes consultations with knowledgeable Uster textile technologists. “The advising services have proven to be quite helpful. For more optimization opportunities, we have learned from best practices that have been tested in mills all over the world,” Saini says.
The FiberQ advising services guarantee that a textile engineer with extensive expertise and mill experience is always on hand to assist the spinners. In addition to handling every facet of installation, Uster handles regular evaluations to monitor the quality status from fiber to yarn, which is a speciality of the company and a much-valued feature of the service.
FiberQ is available as a subscription service that is paid for annually. Although the concept of using a software service for raw material management has been around for a long time in other domains, it is relatively new to the sector. “At Sagar, we firmly believe that the benefits we receive from this solution fully justify the ongoing investment,” says Saini. The opportunities that Uster FiberQ and 360Q offered Sagar were evident and rapidly shown in real-world scenarios.