2024 Natural Fiber Showcase
Discover local and far-flung farms and mills, and connect with festivals where you can have an up-close encounter with natural fibers.
Whether you spin wool or alpaca, cotton or silk, you have a piece of the natural world running through your fingers when you spin fibers grown by a farmer, rancher, or shepherd. You have a connection to the earth and to the millennia of spinners who came before you.
Our Natural Fiber Showcase includes information about farms, mills, and makers, as well as festivals where you can have an up-close encounter with natural fibers. There is something very special about getting close to the source of your spinning fiber.
Learning about the sheep or alpaca that produced the fleece you’re buying, shaking the hand of the shepherd who grew it, or visiting the mill where it was cleaned and prepared for you is a fundamental spinning experience. As you look through this year’s listings, plan your next natural fiber adventure by going straight to the source.
Spin on in wonder!
Anne Merrow,
Cofounder of Long Thread Media and Host of the Long Thread Podcast
P.S. Be sure you scroll all the way to the bottom to see everyone featured in this year’s Natural Fiber Showcase.

Header photo by violetta from Pixabay